
Code of Conduct – Message from CEO


“Business” a single word define many areas of expertise and the competition in the world of the market. The biggest challenge started to stand out in this competition. Each of us and the competitors follow their values, but we Avenchiens not only believe but also we live in our values. Our core values are known as PTRAC, which implies Passion, Transparency, Result Orientation, Accountability, and Delightful Customer Experience. We believe in Passion towards achieving our goal to perform together, Transparency to keep us together with trust to give steps towards the success holding by each other hand. Result Orientation reminds us to be alert and creative in our area of expertise. Accountability teaches us to learn to take ownership of our role in the organization, and Delightful Customer Experience introduces loyal and robust bonding with each other.


Technology is an ever-changing process. By the side, the market is becoming more challenging and growing day by day. In this challenging environment, values are the core assets for a company like us. Our values keep us together and teach us to strive together for sustainability. But, its a great pleasure that Avenchiens are upholding our values in every possible way they can. Right from our customers to our employees, we keep the Transparency to understand and handle the delicate situation together. That’s how we stand out in this growing market.


Back to the memory land before starting Avench, we always wanted to create a workplace where employees and customers would love to work with, and today in this growing stage, we could see our “dreams come true.” 


Our believes and values we have captured in our Code of conduct considering our one of the value system transparency. Avench systems never entertain or encourage to retaliate their customer, suppliers, service providers, or employees. The Code of conduct helps each of us to contribute to judging our unethical conduct before stepping into it. The act of work can bring us many scenarios, such as not to miss equal remuneration and opportunities to the employee. We can be misguided by our instinct sometimes, but we never walk into the side of harassment or discriminate against any of our employees. Human nature is to be ambiguous in a specific scenario, and that leads to misconduct like bribery, corruption, kickback, a gift to the concerned authority. But, Avench systems never into such ambiguous nature of the threat. In a company, conflict of interest is one of the alarming aspects. Employees or stakeholders of the company can’t choose outside employment or the advisory role; it will consider as a conflict of interest. We always avoid employing our family or friend in the same department or project to prevent the conflict of interest and follow the culture of Avench. Our core value teaches us Transparency and adhering that we expect each one of us to maintain professionalism in the workplace, even if you are into a personal relationship with any of your teammates. Every individual has a right to their views in political or personal activity, but we believe your opinion shouldn’t be harmful to the company’s value systems. For Avench systems, every employee, customer, supplier, or its service equally important; we never favor anyone through a company loan or guarantee. It is Avench’s responsibility to keep intellectual property, confidential documents, employee database, and customer information secure. We never differentiate any of our customers, suppliers, service provider, or our employees. Every business is started only after signing the non-disclosure agreements, and we assure you to give the confidentiality and quality of service. We never hide or manipulate our financial or non-financial records to our governing bodies.

Be with us and join hands to make Avench dream successful, which has dreamt before even we exist.

Code of Conduct

A Message form CEO Avench Systems