
Choosing the apt OS is supremely important while developing embedded software. Generally, the interfacing part has to be tweaked before running the OS on the target hardware to rule out mishaps. BSP Middleware as the name suggests is the layer of software that lies right between the application layer & the operating system and is responsible for the integration & communication between various applications and the kernel.  Our BSP and middleware team takes cares of the various components involved like the processor, communication buses, memory, bootloader etc. Our team also provides services like API creation for LoRa, Wi-fi, LTE, BLE and many more. The developers at Avench are also well versed in industrial peripherals and protocols, middleware protocol stack porting, over the air update implementation, OpenCV based imaging solutions and cloud integration.

  • LoRa, LTE, BLE, Wi-fi development and many other communication protocols
  • Industrial protocols and peripherals
  • OTA and Cloud connectivity stack (AWS, Azure, Google)
  • Application/bootloader for ARM 8/16/32-bit MCUs
  • BSP development
  • Intel UEFI development
  • Middleware development
  • Middleware code optimization
  • Multimedia, imaging, connectivity and sensor frameworks

Key Features

Developers: 6+

Experience: 7+

BSP and middleware projects: 17+

Domains/Industries: 3+

Case Studies

Insular Bag PCB

Avench Systems offered a solution which involved developing a design capable of meeting our client requirements.

High Value Asset Tracker

Avench designed and developed a tracking device as per client expectations which can be mounted on their high-value

Amber FPGA Board

The Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA introduces significant enhancements in the low-power FPGA arena, with industry leading

BSP and Middleware for Embedded Platforms

BSP development