IIoT in today’s world is a game changer because it has truly transformed how industries operate.
Integrating IIoT into your business sets you apart from your competitors. However, the process of
implementing such a system comes with its own set of challenges, many of which need special attention
in the areas of finance, technological capability, system security etc.

Here are some challenges faced by an IIoT-powered business.

Data Breaches
One of the significant challenges faced by an IIoT powered business is preventing data leaks, cyber
attacks and unauthorized access. A data breach can result in loss of tangible and intangible assets of a
business. In order to protect your business from such malicious attacks, it is highly recommended that
you create a robust and dynamic security system.

Skilled Workforce

A highly skilled and motivated workforce is undeniably the backbone of any successful IIoT-powered
business. The alignment of the workforce with the company’s vision and its pursuit of leadership in the
IIoT environment is of paramount importance. A well-trained team is essential for ensuring the IIoT
system functions at its optimal capacity and delivers outstanding results. Failing to maintain a proficient
workforce can lead to costly consequences, particularly when it comes to training new employees to fill
the gap.


An efficient IIoT system requires substantial investment to ensure smooth functioning. Integrating your
business with an IIoT system may involve investing in specialized devices, special purpose machines,
integrated software solutions, sensors etc. Additionally, to establish and maintain a system as proficient
as IIoT, a state-of-the-art network infrastructure is a prerequisite.


With industry’s increasing dependency on IIoT in industrial automation, any downtime can prove to be a costly affair.
Oftentimes, any disruption in the system may lead to reduced productivity, direct losses, and customer
dissatisfaction. To mitigate such losses, it is important to implement failover mechanisms such as timely
maintenance, downtime preparedness, and predictive maintenance.


Increased Productivity

IIoT optimizes production processes by analyzing data and providing valuable inputs into various aspects
of the business. When a business implements this data-driven approach, it is empowered to optimize
operations, allocate resources and manpower effectively. Additionally, it also increases productivity by
reducing manual intervention.

Improved Quality

IIoT applications ensures real-time quality monitoring throughout the production process. With continuous monitoring, collection and analyzing of data, IIoT identifies defects early on, preventing production of defective products.

Predictive Maintenance

With an IIoT system in place, a failover mechanism is a given. IIoT forecasts the operational capacity,
fault frequency and its patterns to prevent a possible downtime. Tracking and analyzing the output data
is of utmost importance to ensure that the system is operating in its optimal state.

Real-time Monitoring

Sensors on ground send data to the IIoT system regarding processes at every stage, thereby helping you
track the process flow in real-time. This helps increase the efficiency of your production. Furthermore,
with the output data analyzed, you have the opportunity to stay ahead of any possible delays that could

In conclusion, the transformation into the world on IIoT is ridden with challenges, but the rewards are
equally promising. IIoT is a system that guarantees efficiency and elimination of delays for a smooth
functioning of any business. With Avench’s IIoT solution, you can rest easy knowing that there is a
system that is continuously monitoring your business which helps yield positive results for you.

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