As a leading provider of embedded systems design services, Avench has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to leverage cutting-edge technology to meet their challenges. Our diverse portfolio boasts a wide range of projects across numerous industries, showcasing remarkable adaptability and ability to tackle unique business challenges, regardless of the sector. While we can help you with technical expertise across almost all domains, our main focus areas are:

  • Oil and gas
  • Medical Electronics
  • Industrial Electronics
  • Consumer Electronics

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of Avench‘s most successful projects and the transformative impact they’ve had on clients’ businesses. 

Case Study 1 – Pipeline Investigation Gauge

Client and Project Scope

Avench partnered with a prominent North American Oil & Gas company to design and develop the electronics for their next-generation PIG.

pipeline invetsigation gauge
What is a PIG?

A PIG (Pipeline Investigation Gauge) is a device inserted into pipelines to assess their internal health. It can detect anomalies like dents, wrinkles, cracks, and corrosion, potentially saving companies time, money, and preventing major pipeline failures.

Avench’s Solution: MFL Technology

Avench developed a state-of-the-art MFL PIG that utilizes Magnetic Flux Leakage technology. This method employs strong magnetic fields generated within the pipe by magnets on the PIG. Sensors detect any leakage in this field, indicating potential metal loss due to corrosion or cracks. The project involved the design and development of various critical components:

System Architecture

  • Master Board: Handles core functionalities like data transfer, battery monitoring, sensor data acquisition, and storage.
  • Auxiliary Board: Provides fault tolerance and power management.
  • Sensor Boards: Equipped with FPGAs for data acquisition from MFL sensors, temperature sensors, and defect detectors.
  • Storage Board: Utilizes SD cards for high-capacity raw data storage.
  • Graceful degradation.
  • Long battery life (100 hours) for extended pipeline inspections.

Project Success and Client Satisfaction

Avench successfully delivered the MFL PIG within the defined timeline and met all client requirements. Field trials confirmed exceptional performance with near-zero error rates. The client’s satisfaction led to additional development requests, which Avench promptly addressed.

This case study demonstrates Avench Systems’ capabilities in developing cutting-edge solutions for the iiot in Oil & Gas industry. Our MFL PIG technology allows pipeline operators to proactively maintain pipeline integrity, ensuring safety and operational efficiency.

Case Study 2 – High-Value Asset Tracker

This project highlights Avench Systems’ expertise in developing innovative solutions for asset tracking. We designed and developed a High-Value Asset Tracker for a leading American manufacturer of industrial tools, hardware, and security products.

Client Challenge

The client needed a real-time tracking solution for their high-value assets, both in the field and during transit. This would help them locate assets with pinpoint accuracy and reduce risks. Moreover, the ability to track assets in real time would serve as a deterrent to theft, while also aiding recovery efforts in the event of misplacement. 

Avench’s Tracking Solution

Avench developed a cutting-edge asset tracking device utilizing:

  • Smart modules based on Intel® Atom™ M x3 technology, offering powerful processing and comprehensive I/O capabilities.
  • Advanced connectivity with integrated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 3G cellular for seamless communication.
  • Equipped with a 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for real-time 3D position tracking.

Project Outcome and Benefits

Avench successfully delivered 10 functional benefits of prototyping of a high-end asset tracking solution, meeting all client requirements. This innovative solution not only provided real-time asset location for improved operational efficiency but also reduced the risk of theft and facilitated proactive monitoring during transportation and deployment. Our high-end solution allows the client to optimize security, safety, and monitoring across their operations, demonstrating our expertise in tackling critical industry challenges with innovative solutions.

Case Study 3 – LoRa-Based Sensor and Gateway Device

Avench successfully developed and delivered a prototype LoRa-based sensor and gateway system, showcasing their expertise in cutting-edge embedded product design. This versatile solution not only senses and transmits data but also boasts impressive features and addresses key industry challenges.

What Is a Lora-Based Sensor and Gateway Device?

A LoRa-based sensor and gateway system is a combination of two devices that work together to collect and transmit data wirelessly over long distances. The LoRa-based sensor, utilizes LoRa (Long Range) technology, a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) protocol designed for efficient data transmission over long distances with low power consumption.

The gateway acts as a central hub that receives data from multiple LoRa sensors within its range and forwards the processed data to a server or cloud platform for further analysis and visualization.

Addressing Client Requirements:

Avench successfully fulfilled the client’s requirements:

  • Faster Market Entry: The project was completed swiftly to meet the client’s time-to-market goals.
  • Compact Form Factor: A small, fixed form factor was achieved while adhering to all client requirements.
  • Cost Optimization: The project delivered on the client’s expectations while achieving a 15% reduction in engineering costs.


This versatile LoRa-based system has the potential to be useful in various sectors, including:

  • Automated meter reading
  • Home and building automation
  • Wireless alarm and security systems
  • Industrial monitoring and control
  • Long-range irrigation systems
  • Building automation for controlling lighting, temperature, and security systems remotely.
  • Logistics and asset tracking

Avench’s success in this project demonstrates our ability to deliver innovative, cost-effective, and feature-rich embedded solutions that cater to diverse client needs and industry demands.

global embedded system market


Avench, Your Innovation Partner for the Future

Avench Systems is more than just a leading provider of embedded systems design services. We are your strategic partner in innovation, dedicated to moving your business forward with cutting-edge solutions customized to your specific challenges Our diverse portfolio, covering various industries, demonstrates our ability to deliver innovative solutions. 

Bring your ideas to life. Contact Avench today! 

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